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WholeMind Healing Pathways

I Have a Life I Love to Live Now
Jackie moved to Arizona in 1993, graduated from Chino Valley High, and eventually became an RN. Jackie has worked in several areas of nursing, including school nursing, prison, mental health, and oncology. Jackie is happily married, the mother of 3 kids and 3 fur babies, and they own their home in Chino together.
Ongoing struggles with depression and mood swings prompted Jackie to seek ketamine treatment. She shared, “I was at a plateau. My meds were working, but the ups and downs with depression were still there. I had negative thoughts like, “I don’t want to do this anymore. If I didn’t wake up, I would be fine with it. My stress tolerance was zero. I was looking for something to push me into the positive.”
Diagnosed with three autoimmune disorders, including Hashimoto’s, Celiac Disease, and Type I Diabetes, Jackie felt great fatigue due to medical and mental health concerns. Jackie attempted multiple medications, met with two therapists, and found herself self-medicating with alcohol at one point. Jackie reached out to WholeMind staff and was approved for a grant from the WholeMind Foundation to assist with the cost of treatment. Jackie started ketamine therapy combined with integration, eventually completing a full package of 6 treatment sessions over six weeks.
Jackie related she was surprised by the outcome of her ketamine treatment, describing, “I’m the most comfortable I’ve ever been in my skin. I can look at pictures of myself and not say negative thoughts. I’m not as quick to get angry and don’t stay angry. I’m able to regulate my emotions. I don’t feel as much stress, and the littlest thing isn’t overwhelming. I have way more energy to do things I used to do. Even when charting at work, I would sit and stare at the screen; I had no energy to keep going. Now, I work and go home to do daily stuff, and it’s not a chore. My intimacy with my husband has improved because I have the energy. I’m working out with my husband several times a week now.”
Before ketamine treatment, Jackie reported she was struggling with her mood, even with medication. After treatment, Jackie continued her current medication regimen; however, now she feels stable and emotionally in control. Jackie found integration to be the most critical piece of her ketamine treatment. She said, “Setting an intention and goal for the session and allowing my brain to take over and go where it needed to go” helped her accomplish her treatment goals.
In the future, Jackie wants to finish her master’s and pursue a certification in Life Coaching while working in mental health. Jackie is supporting her kids as they move toward adulthood and graduation. When asked what she would share with others seeking ketamine treatment, Jackie stated, “The WholeMind team makes you feel safe, and they are caring and kind. One time, [she] held my hand and helped me stay grounded. It was comforting to have someone in the room with me and someone to talk to the whole time if I felt like it.” Jackie also shared, “Without integration, ketamine is just a trip. I didn’t know how to guide myself. It would help if you had integration. I have done talk therapy, and you reserve what you say. Ketamine allows you to release what’s inside. The medicine heals triggers you don’t even work on. I don’t want to die anymore when things are going south. I’m able to regulate back down. I would tell everyone and anyone to look into ketamine. It’s a journey, not an end-all; you must continue working on it. I have a life I love to live now.”
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