WholeMind Healing Pathways

Ken is a Prescott native, born and raised in the area. He is happily married and now well settled. He joined the Marines at age 17 and served as a combat engineer/petroleum engineer in the Persian Gulf War in 1991. After getting out of the Marines he served as a city police officer. Leaving law enforcement and the Marines, he felt out of place, was dealing with depression that had started in early childhood from trauma, as well as the impact of combat deployment and law enforcement duties. He continued to suffer from depression and anxiety for decades.
Antidepressants did not seem to help, and he felt lost. “I tried everything from counselling, career changes, antidepressants, different spiritual pursuits, and continued to feel like my brain was on a negative feedback loop I could not shake. My counselor was undergoing ketamine training and after investigating its benefits, I’m so thankful I underwent ketamine treatment, it’s been a game-changer and was the healing catalyst my brain needed.” “The ketamine experience has helped my marriage, my work, and even strengthened my faith.”
Ken began his sessions with intention and commitment to the work during the healing and respite he gave himself for the 6 weeks of treatment. “My brain needed a rest, a reset, and a chance to disconnect from troubling patterns of thinking.” Ken was focused on setting his intentions for the healing he sought in each treatment. “I would prepare for my sessions a day in advance with mediations, turning off the news, stepping back from any upsetting concerns and begin to focus on the healing treatment ahead.” “I would go into each session with prayers, and a visual of a comforting scene of an outdoor paradise in my mind, with a clear mantra and would hold on to that mantra as the ketamine began to take effect.” “My supportive and beautiful wife attended the sessions, her presence helped me relax and gave me such a strong sense of peace and support.” “Paul and Jasmine have provided such a great setting, it is so comfortable, and the two of them are passionate about helping their patients heal.”
After each session, Ken would go into the workbook provided by WholeMind and do the work, contemplate progress and the experience, and even took on the coloring exercises to serve as a mediation and reflect on the ketamine session. “I realized that their was a very real, noticeable, deep physical healing taking place through my sessions, I began to clearly choose the well being I experienced during the ketamine sessions and to expand that sense of well being and peace with each choice I would face after sessions, it seemed my brain had been re-wired or rather restored to an un-adultered state from the toxicity of the world, I noticed I easily would reject unhealthy influences and move in the direction of positive expansion.” “The ketamine seems to know where to go in the mind for healing, I realized you really get what you need from ketamine, but like everything in life, you get out of it what you put in to it.” “I hope more people struggling with chronic depression, PTSD, and chronic pain can experience the relief I’ve had and to say the ketamine treatment was a success for me is vast understatement. I’m grateful to Paul, Jasmine, and the WholeMind staff as my treatments have been a game-changer and lifesaver.”